
It was a scene reminiscent of a classic ‘Top Gun’ moment, only this wasn’t Hollywood; this was the stark reality of air superiority and stealth technology at work. A decade ago, the sky became an unassuming stage for a stealthy dance between the past and future of military aviation. Iranian F-4 Phantoms, aging sentinels of the skies, found themselves outmatched as they encountered the United States’ pinnacle of aeronautical engineering—the F-22 Raptor.
这是一场复刻“壮志凌云”高能炸裂的时刻,只是那不是电影; 但确确实实是隐身技术的绝对优势。10年前,我们头顶的蓝天还只是军事航空新老交替不确定的年代,(如今),伊朗空军的F-4,像垂垂老矣的哨兵,在遭遇美国空军登峰造极的航空工程F-22猛禽战斗机时,发现他们自己毫无招架之力.
- Top Gun—电影《壮志凌云》-Tom. Cruise主演.
- 我这里是意译,直译的话可以放出来.